responsive web designResponsive Web Design

HTML 5 / CSS3 Responsive Web Design

Adaptive or Responsive Web Design is the method of creating the design and development that respond to the screen size, orientation and platform. The Website will automatically switch over or become compatible with Mobiles, Laptops, Tablets or Ipads and adapt for different resolutions, image size and scripts. Responsive Website responds to their Environment.

Line Focus is one of the best Responsive Web Designers in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Our team has highly expertise Multi platform Designers who can develop a Responsive Web Design with high standards.

New inventions are inevitable and in the next 5 years there might be a lot of new inventions and this Responsive Web Design will eliminate the need for a specific design and development for every new invention of gadgets in the Market.

Benefits of Responsive Web Design

  • Adjust your web page based on the device and screen size used by the visitor.
  • Websites are designed with neutrality to adapt to various devices
  • Can avoid duplication of content which will be very helpful in SEO Standards.
  • No need to develop a separate Mobile Website.
  • Your website will reach to maximum number of customers using various devices.

Responsive Web Design has become inevitable in the industry standards and it is the future of Web Designing. If you have any plans to develop a new Responsive Website or want to revamp an existing website please do contact us to proceed further.

Our Responsive Website Design Samples


iphone reparatur
Ctacis-Linefocus Client
Rotary-Linefocus Client